10 Thanksgiving Fun Facts to Gobble Up and Share with Family and Friends

10 Thanksgiving Fun Facts to Gobble Up and Share with Family and Friends

The feast of all feasts is almost here. Yes, Thanksgiving is fast approaching. And this year there’s no need to sit around the holiday table with nothing to say. Well, unless your mouth is full with deliciousness. Make this year’s Thanksgiving meal chatter fun with these interesting facts to help you spark the conversation and guaranteed to send you to the head of the table.

The Colonists didn’t eat turkey. Most likely the colonists sitting down to their first Thanksgiving dinner in 1621 ate a variety of waterfowl such as duck and goose. Other dinner table staples included venison and seafood such as lobster and clams. Side dishes coincided with the harvest and consisted of berries, flint corn, pumpkin and squash. Popular holiday side dishes that we have today like mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole and stuffing were nonexistent during the three day feast.

Turkey is king on Thanksgiving tables today. There’s no surprise here especially when you look at the numbers. Approximately 88% of American households serve turkey on Thanksgiving Day. Which means over 46 million turkeys are needed to feed everyone. The top turkey producer in the U.S. is the state of Minnesota.

Pies top the list as the most served dessert. After your stomach starts to settle a bit there is nothing quite like a large slice of pie. Though there are many desserts that can fill the bill to end this great American holiday, most hosts prefer to serve pie. Favorites include pumpkin, pecan, sweet potato and apple, however not necessarily in that order. The country is divided on this one—your favorite pie can depend on where you live.

Norman Rockwell’s iconic painting has another name. More widely known as the Thanksgiving Picture, this world-famous oil painting by American artist Norman Rockwell depicting a holiday family get-together is actually titled Freedom from Want.

Warehouse Club Costco sells millions of pumpkin pies every year. Who would have thought? And it seems that the winning recipe has been the same since 1987. That’s a 32 year-old recipe that has stood the test of time for a company that has only been in existence for 36 years. The seasonal dessert’s appearance is limited. Costco only offers it from September to December. For those hosting the holidays it’s a dream come true. With an average cost of $6 and its ability to feed 12 people it’s definitely a timesaver. On the other hand if you have a penchant for baking there are plenty of delicious dessert recipes available online.

Sarah Josepha Buell Hale was the influencer behind making Thanksgiving an official holiday. Dubbed the Mother of Thanksgiving, Hale’s 36 year-long campaign to make Thanksgiving a holiday in the U.S. ended on October 3, 1863. The same day President Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation declaring a day of Thanksgiving and Praise. As a writer and magazine editor Hale’s second claim to fame is her heart-warming nursery rhyme “Mary Had a Little Lamb.”

Thanksgiving always falls on the fourth Thursday in November. This year the official Thanksgiving holiday falls on November 28, one week later than last year.

People consume an average of 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving Day. From mashed potatoes to green bean casseroles to stuffing and gravy, the calories do start mounting up. To preserve the waistline head to the nearest neighborhood Turkey Trot. Most run/walks are in the early morning and the perfect family-friendly venue. You’ll also feel less guilty taking a second helping of potatoes. The ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot in Austin is one of the largest.

The Butterball Turkey Talk Line fields over 100,000 calls in the months of November and December. This popular help line for the cooking impaired has been in existence for more than 30 years. Over the years things have changed dramatically. Today calling on the phone isn’t the only way to ask a question. Other acceptable forms of communication include sending a text or an email or starting a chat. Snail mail works too if you can wait that long. Though we can’t be sure, we’re pretty certain that the 50+ chefs that dish up their expertise have heard it all. But if you’re curious what the most frequently asked question is its, How do I know when my turkey is done?

Do turkeys really fly? The answer to that question is twofold. Domesticated turkeys can’t fly while wild turkeys can soar for short distances up to 55 mph. They are definitely more mobile than their domesticated counterparts because they can also run up to 20 mph.

From turkey legs to Big Green Eggs all you need is Breed & Co. this holiday season. Whether you are planning a casual affair for four, or a holiday extravaganza for 24 our shelves our stocked with convenient holiday baking and cooking products, kitchen and bake ware, and a selection of the finest home décor. For the best selection of seasonal entertaining needs and holiday gifts visit our four Austin area locations. Or, for your convenience shop our online Thanksgiving Headquarters.

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